On the face of it, we are all practicing social distancing these days to stop the spread of Covid-19. But did you know that in Board Governance terms, we are adhering to an ancient social contract called duty of care?
We are when agreeing to social distancing, “following a standard of reasonable care while performing acts that could foreseeably harm others.”
We depend on our leaders in companies to know such principles. Competent Boards is a place where these and other topics are discussed so that Board members are certified to fulfill their role.
Thanks to technology we are still able to keep the world moving while staying safe. The measures that many countries have put in place to curb the Covid-19 outbreak means that we can mitigate the effects of a pandemic, yet we are each concerned about our livelihoods and the health of our loved ones.
Yet with no commute, no favourite sports games, theatre shows, concerts, restaurant visits, vacations – we will come up with new ways to relate to one another. It is beautiful to see how people have taken to their balconies in Italy and Spain to sing and praise the health workers. All in all, it is both heartwarming and scary to see how we as human beings act in times of crisis. We see the good, the bad and the ugly.
At Competent Boards, we are lucky that over the last year we have had the privilege to educate global leaders and board members with the help of leading experts and discussants in the fields of ESG, Climate and Sustainability through our ONLINE video conference-based program. We are prepared for these times!
And we want to support all those fighting for our health. Unfortunately, we don’t have millions to give, but we can give 5% of the sales from all who sign up for the Competent Boards Certificate Program until March 31st. We will donate to Doctors without Borders, or you can donate the 5% you save to someone in need.
So, if you want to help and at the same time gain ESG, Climate and Sustainability confidence and get a Competent Boards Certificate or the Global Competent Boards Designation, please register for the online self-study or the interactive program with virtual sessions.
Those who register for the interactive program will get access to the self-study program as well. By studying just 90 minutes a day you can get you a certificate in just two weeks.
We know our online programs are highly praised and give leaders and board members the education they are expected to have this year on ESG-related issues. Further, leaders who have graduated find that the certificate program validates their Board leadership role and gives them the confidence and the background to speak up on urgent issues where their voice is needed. So, engaging with participants from around the world means you can at the same time practice your social distancing and your duty of care while contributing to the brave efforts of our frontline health professionals.
By Helle Bank Jorgensen and Tom Cummings, Competent Boards
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